Patrick Lamber
Microsoft Office Development MVP
Category UserVoice
I submitted a request at the Stream uservoice.
I submitted a request at the Microsoft Graph uservoice regarding some improvements of the way app-only permissions are handled in Office 365 on May 31st. In a short timeframe this...
Category Development
Welcome back to our Microsoft Graph developer series for beginners! In our last post, we introduced you to Microsoft Graph and explained why it’s such a powerful tool for developers....
If you’re a developer looking to stay on top of the latest technologies, you might have heard of Microsoft Graph. But what exactly is it, and why should you care?...
My colleagues planned the migration of customer content to OneDrive for Business. Parts of the organization was already using the Known folder redirection feature provided by the OneDrive client. They...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The OneDrive for Business folder naming convention is OneDrive - {CompanyName}. Most applications can cope with this naming when storing data on a local drive. In a previous blogpost I...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources.
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a solution provided by the PnP team. It allows you to manage your Microsoft 365 tenant trying to cover multiple services (e.g. SharePoint, Teams,...
I was required to limit the permission of all owners added to the default owner Group and assign them to the default member Group. I created this script using PnP...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a solution provided by the PnP team. It allows you to manage your Microsoft 365 tenant trying to cover multiple services (e.g. SharePoint, Teams,...
The OneDrive for Business folder naming convention is OneDrive - {CompanyName}. Most applications can cope with this naming when storing data on a local drive.
You can perform searches in Yammer as described here. The snippet below shows how you can perform a search. The search returns multiple objects: Messages Users Topics Uploaded files Users...
I prepared a demo on how to deploy an SPFx WebPart to a SharePoint Online site collection using GitHub actions and the CLI for Microsoft 365. In this example, I...
I had to change the Teams client display language on my Windows machine using PowerShell.
It is common practice to debug a SharePoint Framework solution using Modern pages.
I had the requirement to remove a site collection admin assigned to all SharePoint Online site collections with a script. To achieve this goal I was using Pnp PowerShell. The...
When working with Node.js you might encounter situations where you need multiple versions of Node.js on the same machine. In my case, I want to create SPFx components for SharePoint...
Microsoft is evolving the Azure Active Directory (v1.0) endpoints into the new Microsoft identity platform (v2.0). You should give it a try and consider a move to this new platform....
Azure AD allows to configure custom token lifetime policies for the access and refresh tokens. In your tenant you might have the token lifetime policy set to 1 hour for...
In this post I would like to go through some of the endpoints in the Yammer REST API handling user profiles in a network.
This post will show how to use the Yammer REST API for managing the group memberships of a group. You can find the documentation of the Yammer REST API here....
The Yammer REST Api allows you to return users through the interface described here. A call to that API returns a batch of 50 users. You need to call multiple...
The Yammer REST API is well documented here. On the other hand, you might miss some documentation regarding some endpoints on that page. For example, there is no notion about...
The Yammer REST Api allows you to return messages through the interface described here. A call to that API returns a batch of 20 messages that can be limited to...
You can download the source code for this series directly from my GitHub repository. The name of this sample project is 02. CustomConnectorSwagger.
You can download the source code for this series directly from my GitHub repository. The name of this sample project is 01. SimpleRESTApi.
With this blog series, I am to provide you examples on how to build your custom connectors for Microsoft Flow and PowerApps. You can find the official documentation provided by...
You can delete a message through API as described here. The snippet below shows how you can do it through PowerShell. You simply need a bearer token and the message...
Yammer provides good APIs to access and interact with a Yammer network. You can get an overview of the access possibilities by opening the Yammer developer center. The API we...
In the past months I worked on several projects that automated the data collection of local IT assets. During this time, we decided to use the Azure Table Storage service...
I submitted a request at the Microsoft Graph uservoice regarding some improvements of the way app-only permissions are handled in Office 365 on May 31st. In a short timeframe this...
Category AAD
I submitted a request at the Microsoft Graph uservoice regarding some improvements of the way app-only permissions are handled in Office 365 on May 31st. In a short timeframe this...
Category SharePoint
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a solution provided by the PnP team. It allows you to manage your Microsoft 365 tenant trying to cover multiple services (e.g. SharePoint, Teams,...
I was required to limit the permission of all owners added to the default owner Group and assign them to the default member Group. I created this script using PnP...
It is common practice to debug a SharePoint Framework solution using Modern pages.
I had the requirement to remove a site collection admin assigned to all SharePoint Online site collections with a script. To achieve this goal I was using Pnp PowerShell. The...
When working with Node.js you might encounter situations where you need multiple versions of Node.js on the same machine. In my case, I want to create SPFx components for SharePoint...
A SharePoint Online administrator can change the SharePoint Online site address. The interesting part of this feature is that in many situations Microsoft already considered how to limit the impact...
I created a script using the SharePoint Online Management Shell to create a modern site without an Office 365 Group associated with it.
A SharePoint Online administrator can change the SharePoint Online site address. The interesting part of this feature is that in many situations Microsoft already considered how to limit the impact...
The PNP-PowerShell is a library of PowerShell commands that allows you to perform complex provisioning and artifact management actions towards SharePoint. I see these commands as a valuable extension to...
Microsoft introduced with the SharePoint Online Management Shell version 16.0.8812.1200 the capability to swap SharePoint Online root site or /search site in your tenant.
Our tenant uses Office 365 Unified Groups and their expiration policies that you can configure at tenant level under this link. We configured it to expire after a specific period....
Data consistency is key during the migration of contents between two SharePoint Online sites. You already agreed on the final migration slot with your stakeholders and you want to be...
The list view threshold is configured for SharePoint on-premises (and online) to ensure that users are not performing unnecessary expensive query operations on your SharePoint enviornment. Microsoft provides many suggestions...
The SharePoint Online Management Shell is a Windows PowerShell module that can be installed on your Windows client or server. It is a set of commandlets that help you manage...
I submitted a request at the Microsoft Graph uservoice regarding some improvements of the way app-only permissions are handled in Office 365 on May 31st. In a short timeframe this...
Category IT Pro
A SharePoint Online administrator can change the SharePoint Online site address. The interesting part of this feature is that in many situations Microsoft already considered how to limit the impact...
I created a script using the SharePoint Online Management Shell to create a modern site without an Office 365 Group associated with it.
A SharePoint Online administrator can change the SharePoint Online site address. The interesting part of this feature is that in many situations Microsoft already considered how to limit the impact...
The introduction of Office 365 Groups is improving the way Microsoft 365 services are linked together and how the permissions are handled for them. On top of that, you get...
Office 365 Groups are a great way to give a group of people access to a collection of collaboration resources. This feature is extensively used for Office 365 resources such...
The PNP-PowerShell is a library of PowerShell commands that allows you to perform complex provisioning and artifact management actions towards SharePoint. I see these commands as a valuable extension to...
Microsoft enabled for Office 365 Video admins and Office 365 global administrators the possibility to migrate all videos to Microsoft Stream since Sep 10, 2019. The process is described in...
Microsoft introduced with the SharePoint Online Management Shell version 16.0.8812.1200 the capability to swap SharePoint Online root site or /search site in your tenant.
Our tenant uses Office 365 Unified Groups and their expiration policies that you can configure at tenant level under this link. We configured it to expire after a specific period....
I submitted a request at the Stream uservoice.
Data consistency is key during the migration of contents between two SharePoint Online sites. You already agreed on the final migration slot with your stakeholders and you want to be...
Office 365 Unified Groups used by several Office 365 services (e.g. Yammer, Exchange, Teams, SharePoint) send a welcome e-mail to newly added users of that specific group. This might be...
Exchange Online PowerShell allows you to manage your Exchange Online settings from the command line. As a SharePoint administrator, I usually need the commands that allow me to manager Office...
The SharePoint Online Management Shell is a Windows PowerShell module that can be installed on your Windows client or server. It is a set of commandlets that help you manage...
Microsoft introduced a ‘Get Help’ and ‘Send Feedback’ option for OneDrive for Business. This is a useful way for users to contact directly Microsoft inside the application. With this setting,...
Category Governance
Our tenant uses Office 365 Unified Groups and their expiration policies that you can configure at tenant level under this link. We configured it to expire after a specific period....
Data consistency is key during the migration of contents between two SharePoint Online sites. You already agreed on the final migration slot with your stakeholders and you want to be...
Office 365 Unified Groups used by several Office 365 services (e.g. Yammer, Exchange, Teams, SharePoint) send a welcome e-mail to newly added users of that specific group. This might be...
The list view threshold is configured for SharePoint on-premises (and online) to ensure that users are not performing unnecessary expensive query operations on your SharePoint enviornment. Microsoft provides many suggestions...
Users with a valid SharePoint Online license are eligible to get a dedicated OneDrive for Business site to store their contents. Just like a cloud-based personal hard drive. This OneDrive...
Microsoft introduced a ‘Get Help’ and ‘Send Feedback’ option for OneDrive for Business. This is a useful way for users to contact directly Microsoft inside the application. With this setting,...
Category OneDrive
The OneDrive for Business folder naming convention is OneDrive - {CompanyName}. Most applications can cope with this naming when storing data on a local drive. In a previous blogpost I...
The OneDrive for Business folder naming convention is OneDrive - {CompanyName}. Most applications can cope with this naming when storing data on a local drive.
Users with a valid SharePoint Online license are eligible to get a dedicated OneDrive for Business site to store their contents. Just like a cloud-based personal hard drive. This OneDrive...
Microsoft introduced a ‘Get Help’ and ‘Send Feedback’ option for OneDrive for Business. This is a useful way for users to contact directly Microsoft inside the application. With this setting,...
Category Azure
In the past months I worked on several projects that automated the data collection of local IT assets. During this time, we decided to use the Azure Table Storage service...
Category Exchange
Exchange Online PowerShell allows you to manage your Exchange Online settings from the command line. As a SharePoint administrator, I usually need the commands that allow me to manager Office...
Category Groups
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The introduction of Office 365 Groups is improving the way Microsoft 365 services are linked together and how the permissions are handled for them. On top of that, you get...
Office 365 Groups are a great way to give a group of people access to a collection of collaboration resources. This feature is extensively used for Office 365 resources such...
Office 365 Unified Groups used by several Office 365 services (e.g. Yammer, Exchange, Teams, SharePoint) send a welcome e-mail to newly added users of that specific group. This might be...
Category Stream
Microsoft enabled for Office 365 Video admins and Office 365 global administrators the possibility to migrate all videos to Microsoft Stream since Sep 10, 2019. The process is described in...
I submitted a request at the Stream uservoice.
Category PowerShell
Welcome back to our Microsoft Graph developer series for beginners! In our last post, we introduced you to Microsoft Graph and explained why it’s such a powerful tool for developers....
If you’re a developer looking to stay on top of the latest technologies, you might have heard of Microsoft Graph. But what exactly is it, and why should you care?...
My colleagues planned the migration of customer content to OneDrive for Business. Parts of the organization was already using the Known folder redirection feature provided by the OneDrive client. They...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The OneDrive for Business folder naming convention is OneDrive - {CompanyName}. Most applications can cope with this naming when storing data on a local drive. In a previous blogpost I...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a solution provided by the PnP team. It allows you to manage your Microsoft 365 tenant trying to cover multiple services (e.g. SharePoint, Teams,...
I was required to limit the permission of all owners added to the default owner Group and assign them to the default member Group. I created this script using PnP...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a solution provided by the PnP team. It allows you to manage your Microsoft 365 tenant trying to cover multiple services (e.g. SharePoint, Teams,...
The OneDrive for Business folder naming convention is OneDrive - {CompanyName}. Most applications can cope with this naming when storing data on a local drive.
You can perform searches in Yammer as described here. The snippet below shows how you can perform a search. The search returns multiple objects: Messages Users Topics Uploaded files Users...
In this post I would like to go through some of the endpoints in the Yammer REST API handling user profiles in a network.
This post will show how to use the Yammer REST API for managing the group memberships of a group. You can find the documentation of the Yammer REST API here....
The Yammer REST Api allows you to return users through the interface described here. A call to that API returns a batch of 50 users. You need to call multiple...
The Yammer REST API is well documented here. On the other hand, you might miss some documentation regarding some endpoints on that page. For example, there is no notion about...
The Yammer REST Api allows you to return messages through the interface described here. A call to that API returns a batch of 20 messages that can be limited to...
You can delete a message through API as described here. The snippet below shows how you can do it through PowerShell. You simply need a bearer token and the message...
Yammer provides good APIs to access and interact with a Yammer network. You can get an overview of the access possibilities by opening the Yammer developer center. The API we...
Category Yammer
You can perform searches in Yammer as described here. The snippet below shows how you can perform a search. The search returns multiple objects: Messages Users Topics Uploaded files Users...
In this post I would like to go through some of the endpoints in the Yammer REST API handling user profiles in a network.
This post will show how to use the Yammer REST API for managing the group memberships of a group. You can find the documentation of the Yammer REST API here....
The Yammer REST Api allows you to return users through the interface described here. A call to that API returns a batch of 50 users. You need to call multiple...
The Yammer REST API is well documented here. On the other hand, you might miss some documentation regarding some endpoints on that page. For example, there is no notion about...
The Yammer REST Api allows you to return messages through the interface described here. A call to that API returns a batch of 20 messages that can be limited to...
You can delete a message through API as described here. The snippet below shows how you can do it through PowerShell. You simply need a bearer token and the message...
Yammer provides good APIs to access and interact with a Yammer network. You can get an overview of the access possibilities by opening the Yammer developer center. The API we...
Category Administration
The introduction of Office 365 Groups is improving the way Microsoft 365 services are linked together and how the permissions are handled for them. On top of that, you get...
Office 365 Groups are a great way to give a group of people access to a collection of collaboration resources. This feature is extensively used for Office 365 resources such...
Microsoft enabled for Office 365 Video admins and Office 365 global administrators the possibility to migrate all videos to Microsoft Stream since Sep 10, 2019. The process is described in...
Category Developer
You can download the source code for this series directly from my GitHub repository. The name of this sample project is 02. CustomConnectorSwagger.
You can download the source code for this series directly from my GitHub repository. The name of this sample project is 01. SimpleRESTApi.
With this blog series, I am to provide you examples on how to build your custom connectors for Microsoft Flow and PowerApps. You can find the official documentation provided by...
Category Microsoft Flow
With this blog series, I am to provide you examples on how to build your custom connectors for Microsoft Flow and PowerApps. You can find the official documentation provided by...
Category PowerApps
You can download the source code for this series directly from my GitHub repository. The name of this sample project is 02. CustomConnectorSwagger.
You can download the source code for this series directly from my GitHub repository. The name of this sample project is 01. SimpleRESTApi.
With this blog series, I am to provide you examples on how to build your custom connectors for Microsoft Flow and PowerApps. You can find the official documentation provided by...
Category Power Automation
You can download the source code for this series directly from my GitHub repository. The name of this sample project is 02. CustomConnectorSwagger.
You can download the source code for this series directly from my GitHub repository. The name of this sample project is 01. SimpleRESTApi.
Category AzureAD
Microsoft is evolving the Azure Active Directory (v1.0) endpoints into the new Microsoft identity platform (v2.0). You should give it a try and consider a move to this new platform....
Azure AD allows to configure custom token lifetime policies for the access and refresh tokens. In your tenant you might have the token lifetime policy set to 1 hour for...
Category Office 365 CLI
When working with Node.js you might encounter situations where you need multiple versions of Node.js on the same machine. In my case, I want to create SPFx components for SharePoint...
Category Teams
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a solution provided by the PnP team. It allows you to manage your Microsoft 365 tenant trying to cover multiple services (e.g. SharePoint, Teams,...
I prepared a demo on how to deploy an SPFx WebPart to a SharePoint Online site collection using GitHub actions and the CLI for Microsoft 365. In this example, I...
I had to change the Teams client display language on my Windows machine using PowerShell.
Category CLI
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources.
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a solution provided by the PnP team. It allows you to manage your Microsoft 365 tenant trying to cover multiple services (e.g. SharePoint, Teams,...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a solution provided by the PnP team. It allows you to manage your Microsoft 365 tenant trying to cover multiple services (e.g. SharePoint, Teams,...
Category PnpPowerShell
I was required to limit the permission of all owners added to the default owner Group and assign them to the default member Group. I created this script using PnP...
Category Microsoft 365
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources.
Category GitHub
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
The CLI for Microsoft 365 is a cross-platform command-line interface used to manage or automate Microsoft 365 resources. It is a PnP and community-driven initiative that is growing rapidly over...
Category Security
I recently got our hands on the “BioPass FIDO2” USB-C Biometric key from Feitian from Feitian, and I am happy to report that it’s an excellent addition to my arsenal...
Category Microsoft Graph
Welcome back to our Microsoft Graph developer series for beginners! In our last post, we introduced you to Microsoft Graph and explained why it’s such a powerful tool for developers....
If you’re a developer looking to stay on top of the latest technologies, you might have heard of Microsoft Graph. But what exactly is it, and why should you care?...